Before you get started

How does it work?

Step 1

Discover your role

Image of silhouetted portraits

You are the head of PetroSA. This is one of the key state owned companies in South Africa’s energy sector, and was formed in 2002 as a result of the merger of several older organisations which looked after oil and gas supplies. Its parent organisation is the Central Energy Fund (CEF), which in 2024 reported to the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy. PetroSA’s role today includes offshore prospecting for natural gas, importing diesel and managing a gas to liquid (GTL) refinery.

Step 2

Get the low down

Cork board with post it notes

Read the briefing and check out the investigation board to understand the factors at play in this scenario.

Step 3

Assess the dilemma

Photos, note, and money

You will be presented with a dilemma from the past that will test your moral and ethical boundaries.

Step 4

Make your choice

The letters A, B, C, and D encircled with B highlighted in red

Assess your options and make the choice that feels right to you!

Step 5

See what happened

Pinned note

See how your answer compares to the decision that was actually taken and get more information about what went down. You might be surprised!

Ready to get started? Good luck!

Start the first scenario!